
We always say it, but, weeding is a must – particularly if your garden or containers aren’t freshly planted. This time of year encourages immense growth in plants and that includes weeds too. They can quickly take over a garden, so it’s important to weed regularly. I recommend pulling weeds with gloved hands, and making sure you get all of the root if you can. Dig it out with a hand fork if you accidentally break the root off because it will almost certainly come back otherwise!

If you’re unsure whether a plant is a weed or not – we’re always at the other end of an Instagram message.


Winter and early spring can lure you into a false sense of security with the smaller amount of watering required, and then, all of a sudden, a warm, dry spell hits and you remember how crucial regular watering is. Get into the habit of weekly watering now. Check your plants, check your soil. You’ll suffer far fewer losses and won’t regret it. 

A bit of support

As plants begin to shoot up, keep an eye out for any that look like they might need a helping hand. A tasteful metal support can make the world of difference and will turn beautifully red and rusty over time. Simply push it into the ground around the plant so that it has a shoulder to lean on as it develops through the summer. British company Leander have a good range.


With a trusty pair of secateurs, now is a good time to cut back any plants that might be getting a little big for their boots – especially if you notice them dwarfing surrounding plants. Gardening is all about balance and ensuring that plants work well together, so a little pruning every now and then helps to keep certain plants in check – and this time of year allows them to continue growing around their new haircut. Some even call it the “Chelsea Chop”, to coincide with the annual flower show. 

#DigTopTip – Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurascens’ or Purple sage is a great Mediterranean plant to trim back now. 


Deadheading is the process of removing finished flowers. Cut them off with snips or pull them off with your hands to encourage the plant to produce more and more blooms.

Plant annuals

Annuals are a great way to add colour and interest to your garden and only last a year – meaning you can change things up next year. It’s a brilliant way to experiment with colour and style. All good plant retailers and garden centers will include whether a plant is an annual on the label.